Was Klienten und Seminarteilnehmer über mich sagen:

"The coaching with Bettina Bodenschatz increased my confidence in approaching and speaking with members of the board of managing directors. It helped me in understanding my own pattern of actions and reactions. I learned to reflect on my behavior and change it appropriately. I also learned techniques to be more confident while presenting to a large group of people.
The coaching helped me in challenging the status quo. I am so thankful for the goal oriented, valuable and very successful coaching."

Head of Global Supply Chain and Lifecycle Management, Pharma sector

"I had a deep dive in self perception and challenging my behaviours in terms of taking other people with me by focussing on my body language (voice, eye contact and pace of speech) and I was lucky to make the experience that other perceived my change in behaviour. The messages which I want to transfer were much better received with a deeper impact and had a more focused effect. Coaching sessions for me were challenging sometimes but always inspiring and opened new perspectives for me. One important take away from the coaching session is that being authentic is worth to be honed and will definitely be rewarded."
Director, Supply Chain Mgt., Pharma sector

"I am more confident and effective in my new role. Dealing with Stakeholders is now much easier and also feeling more comfortable. The program helped me to approach stakeholders with the right attitude and to prepare myself before going into a meeting. Active listening and understanding the objectives of my stakeholders, peers and team has improved."
Artwork Production Manager Europe, FMCG sector

"Frau Bodenschatz hat mir in einer schwierigen Veränderungsphase mit ihrer auf meine individuellen Bedürfnisse eingehenden Art sehr geholfen. Bei ihr gibt es keine plumpen Rezepte, sondern ein beständiges "Stärken von Stärken". Zu entdecken, was man alles schon kann und wie man es noch besser machen kann, macht Spaß und stärkt das Selbstbewusstsein. Ich habe z.B. gelernt, bewusster in potentiell konflikt­geladene Situationen hineinzugehen und in Konflikten Dinge nicht persönlich zu nehmen. Das hat mir die Freude am Führungsalltag wieder zurück gegeben."
Vice President, Global Communications and Public & Government Affairs

"Coaching provided by Bettina has been exceptional - direct benefits and impacts to my company include:
1. Care more and creating a legacy values
2. Indirect benefits (primarily customer, people and investment)
3. Personal development supporting leadership development and role transition
The sessions were very useful, well structured with a good balance of running with the modules and also supporting 'real-time' activity including role transition."

Programme Director, Insurance sector

"The coaching sessions inspired me to think and behave differently. It was good to reflect on me personally with an external person who challenged and brought out hidden inner perspectives."
Vice President Europe, FMCG sector

"Having achieved consciousness about some of my mindtraps and " going in the box" has helped me very much in efficiently overcoming those now and being more effective in my managerial work. The coaching programme has been an eye opener to me for lot's of things I had been struggeling with for a long time but never could put a description to the issue - neither solve it."
Director Global Engineering, FMCG-Industry

"The ability to take my learnings from the Leadership course and translate those into the workplace, focusing on the HPC model and the SBI feedback model in particular, have resulted in increased engagement and performance from my direct reports which has in turn enhanced sales in the business and thus positively affected the Freedom principle.
Bettinas time has been of enormous value to me, helping me to learn more about myself and discover that I really knew the answers all long the journey I have been taking."
Store Director, FMCG-Industry

"The coaching was very consturcitve, clear, to the point, but still always in a very good manner. I could take out a lot. I was always looking forward to meet."
Head of Category Planning, FMCG-Industry

"The coaching session was very much linked to the individual needs but as well had a great structure linked to the leadership programme. Every session ended with good insights gained and additional small tasks to take forward from that session to bring me closer to my objectives set.
The value I have gained from the coaching is increased awareness of situations/ behaviour/impact of myself and others and good ideas on how to use that awareness for high performance collaboration."

Quality Manager production, FMCG-Industry

"Bettina’s support helped in establishing a very good basis for managing my new team in terms of assessing existing skills, managing expectations, establishing engaging objectives and ways or working as well as providing feedback on regular basis. It was eye-opening on how to approach situations from different angles, tailored to my needs, thought provoking and engaging.
Amazing how one can connect with a remote person never met face to face before. The coaching sessions have been extremely beneficial, I wish I could kep it going!"

Commercial Effectiveness Manager, FMCG-Industry, Middle East & Africa

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